
11.23 lol meta
11.23 lol meta

Allies of Blitzcrank will now retarget to his Rocket Grab target if they are in range of the target.Items like Zeke’s Herald and Zephyr created from the Binary Airdrop Hextech Augment now trigger at the start of combat.The Clockwork Broken Stopwatch Hextech Augment will now freeze units that have immunity from crowd control.The Sharpshooter Twinshot Hextech Augment will no longer work with Sniper attacks.Yone: Attack speed reduced from 0.85 to 0.8.Urgot: Spell attack damage scaling reduced from 30 to 25 percent.Urgot: Attack damage reduced from 75 to 70.Fiora: Blade Waltz spell startup delay has been slightly reduced.Mundo: Zap Dose spell heal over time health scaling increased from 20/30/100 to 25/35/100 percent Mundo: Zap Dose spell instant heal maximum health scaling reduced from 40 to 35 percent Mundo: Zap Dose spell health explosion scaling reduced from 20/25/50 to 15/20/50 percent Mundo: Zap Dose spell magic damage ticks reduced from 100/150/300 to 80/125/300 Shaco: Spell attack damage scaling increased from 175 to 185 percent.Samira: Spell armor shred adjusted from 10/20/40 to 10/15/20.Samira: Flair spell ranged cast time reduced and attack damage scaling nerfed from 175/180/190 to 165/170/180 percent.Samira: Attack damage reduced from 85 to 80.Miss Fortune: Make it Rain spell damage reduced from 300/400/600 to 275/375/550.Miss Fortune: Attack speed reduced from 0.75 to 0.7.Gangplank: Parrley spell base damage reduced from 125/150/200 to 110/135/170.Gangplank: Attack damage reduced from 80 to 75.Gangplank: Armor and magic resistance reduced from 45 to 40.

11.23 lol meta

Gangplank: Health reduced from 800 to 750.Cho’Gath: Maximum mana buffed from 100/160 to 100/150.Seven Mercenary: Five-cost unit and six gold changed to a five-cost unit and two gold.Seven Mercenary: Neeko and six gold changed to Neeko and three gold.Seven Mercenary: Item and four gold changed to just an item.

11.23 lol meta plus#

  • Kraken/Soldier: Loaded Dice plus five gold reduced to Loaded Dice and two gold.
  • Sword plus “X”: Gold reduced from eight to seven.
  • Chest plus “X”: Gold reduced from five to four.
  • Scrap: Changes were made to avoid giving Set Six champions items with poor synergy.
  • Mutant: Metamorphosis attack damage and ability power per stack reduced from 10/20 to 5/10.
  • Mutant: Voracious Appetite attack damage and ability power reduced from 30/50 to 25/40.
  • Mutant: Cybernetic Enhancement bonus health increased from 400/800 to 450/900.
  • Mutant: Hyper-Adrenal Glands renamed to Hyper Adrenaline.
  • Clockwork: Base attack speed increased from 10/25/50 to 10/30/55 percent.
  • Sniper: Sniper units Jhin, Caitlyn, Tristana, Miss Fortune, and Kog’Maw have had their range reduced by one to compensate for the trait buff.
  • Sniper: Champions with the Sniper trait will now gain +1 attack range.
  • 11.23 lol meta 11.23 lol meta

  • Mercenary: Various die rolls are getting reduced across the board to lower the total power of the trait.
  • Imperial: Team bonus damage was increased from 0/40 to 0/50 percent.
  • The trait will also no longer get offered in the third Augment Armory

    11.23 lol meta

    Built Different: Players will no longer see most Heart, Soul, and Emblem Augments after choosing Built Different.A cap of 200 health per second was added. Underdogs: Health regeneration per second was increased from 10 to 12 percent missing health.Woodland Charm: Health of the copy was buffed from 1,200 to 1,500.Woodland Charm: Moved from Gold to Prismatic tier.Titanic Force: Maximum percent health for bonus attack damage was reduced from four to three percent.Titanic Force: The health threshold was buffed from 1,300 to 1,400.Share the Spotlight: The shared bonus was increased from 75 to 100 percent.Runic Shield: Shield scaling across all three tiers was buffed from 250/375/500 to 300/450/600 percent ability power.Runic Shield: Duration nerfed from infinite to a total of eight seconds.Lifelong Learning: Moved from Gold to Silver tier and is no longer offered as a third Augment choice.Ardent Censer: Moved from Gold to Silver tier.Calculated Loss, Dominance, and Junkyard are no longer options within the third Hextech Armory.

    11.23 lol meta